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The Taiwan Wild Bird Federation (TWBF) has successfully applied to become one of the newest members of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI). Its addition brings the total number of IPSI partners to 279. It also becomes the 18th successful Taiwan applicant.
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5月份在網路媒體有學者投書,其觀察嘉義、台南鹽田濕地目前環境劣化越來越嚴重,不應放任不作為,並認為特有生物研究保育中心(簡稱特生中心)所繪製的鹽田生態敏感區的圖層分析不嚴謹,致國產署以錯誤的圖資做成行政命令之依據,其主張國有財產署應撤回行政命令並准予光電廠商申請開發,讓光電業者投入資源進行復育與管理,創造綠能與保育的雙贏。 中華民國野鳥學會、台南市野鳥學會、台灣黑面琵鷺保育學會及高雄市野鳥學會針對此投書有不同的見解,我們的意見與聲明如下:
04 | 16
Results of the 2021 Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Census revealed a total of 3,132 wintering in Taiwan proper and its outlying islands, up 347 from the year before and a new record. With annual census numbers consistently showing 50% to 60% of the global population, Taiwan is one of the most critical habitat areas for the iconic and globally threatened species. This year’s survey lasted from January 16-17, with results released on April 14.
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中華民國野鳥學會與特有生物研究保育中心正式發表「2020臺灣國家鳥類報告(The State of Taiwan's Birds 2020)」!這是臺灣第一份由政府部門、大專院校及民間組織共同完成的鳥類生存狀態評估報告。
