國際事務 International Affairs

本會國際事務部的工作主要致力於國際保育事務及國際交流。當前最主要的工作計畫是與英國皇家鳥類保護學會(Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, RSBP)共同合作,目標希望能找尋合適的措施來減緩台灣漁船對於海鳥的混獲,並在2013年、2016年、2018年和2019年分別舉行數場針對減緩海鳥混獲的國際工作坊。國際事務部代表中華鳥會與本會團體會員參與許多鳥類保育相關活動、會議及研討會,也協助台灣相關保育文章的中翻英工作,及針對特定議題專寫新聞稿,努力向世界各地宣傳台灣的鳥類保育工作。

The TWBF's International Affairs Division focuses on international collaberation and communications. The department is currently involved in a number of projects and activities and some of these are outlined below:

One major ongoing project is a collaboration between the TWBF and UK's Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Its goal is to address the bycatch of seabirds such as albatross and petrels in Taiwan's longline tuna fishing fleet. This work has led to a number of positive results including the holding of international meetings and conferences on the topic in 2013, 2016, 2018, and 2019. Also, with the surrport of Taiwan's Fisheries Agency, two experiments were successfully held trialling bird-scaring lines in 2021. These efforts have led to a deeper discussion on this important global issue and awareness raising with the public. 

The division works hard to highlight important bird-related conservation work being done by the TWBF, its partner organizations, and more generally, by Taiwan, to the global community.  To this end it will translate articles and reports from Chinese to English. This includes items like annual Taiwan New Year Bird Count reports, the State of Taiwan's Birds report, and An Introduction to Citizen Science Projects for Birds in Taiwan. The TWBF also creates press releases for international media on important conservation topics. Lastly, they work to foster better interactions with the wider global community via social media accounts aimed at international audiences. Currently the TWBF has an active prescence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The international affairs division also represents the TWBF and its partner organizations at international conferences, meetings, and fairs held by groups such as the Asian Raptor and Research and Conservation Network and the Asian Bird Fair.

The TWBF has aslso been fostering relations with the Czech Society of Ornithology, including webinar exchanges and even a visit to Taiwan By CSO Director Zdeněk Vermouzek. In December 2023, Mr. pursner was invited to Czechia for talks and exchanges. Here he is with Director Vermousek and CSO Head of Development Lucie Hošková.

Related Articles:
Birds Do Not Know Borders 鳥類的世界沒有國界
Webinar brings Taiwanese and Czech Bird Research Communities Closer Together
Czech Society for Ornithology Director Visits Taiwan

The TWBF, on behalf of the Chiku and Jiangjun Salt Pan Wetlands Restoration Alliance has been working with the Bird Conservation Society of Thailand. The group is the only other one in Asia working on salt pan wetlands conservation the way that Taiwan is. In November 2023, the alliance visited Thailand for talks and exchanges with NGOs, community members, and government representatives. 

Related Articles:
Taiwan and Thailand Discuss Salt Pan Wetland Conservation

The TWBF is a member of the Chiku and Jiangjun Salt Pan Wetlands Restoration Alliance, six NGOs dedicated to conserving salt pan wetlands in southern Taiwan's Tainan which serve as critical habitat for migrtory birds. The alliance has adopted 1,605 ha in total and the TWBF helps with international outreach and coordiation.

Related Articles:
[Joint Statment] Call for the Withdrawal of Tainan's Jiangjun Photovoltaic Project: Ecological Hotspots Should Not Be Developed for Green Energy
Joint Statement NGOs and Scholars Welcome the National Property Administration's Decision to Withdraw Plans to Develop Areas of High Ecological Sensitivity
[Joint Statement] Nationalized Salt Pans are Not Degraded Habitats; The Conservation Movement Should Not Be Moving Backwards
【Joint Statement】 Indoor Aqua-PV Requires Environmental and Social Regulations Now!

Nearly 20,000 Migratory Birds Counted in Tainan's Chiku and Jiangjun Salt Pans!
Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper No. 88 Returns to Taiwan

In 2023 the TWBF particiapted in the 2nd Global Bird Fair which was held at the Rutlands Fairgrounds in Oakham, UK. Learn more

In 2021 The TWBF successfully applied to become a member of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiatve. They have submitted two case studies to the group on behalf of partners highlighting their work to conserve nature and empower local communites.

Related Articles:
Taiwan Wild Bird Federation Becomes Member of International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative 
Meinong Lake Jacana Conservation Area Case Study Accepted by the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative

The TWBF presents on the development of Taiwan's first national bird report at the 2022 International Ornithological Congress in August 2022. 

Director or International Affairs Scott Pursner hold a talk on seabird identification, seabird bycatch, and seabird bycatch mitigation measures at the stakeholders meeting for FCF, one of the world's largest tuna trading companies, in April 2022. (Credit: FCF)

The TWBF supports and participates in the Global and October Big Day events hosted by Global Birding and powered by eBird. Lean more about past participation in these events here and here.  

Online meeting between the Taiwan Wild Bird Federation, Czech Society for Ornithology and Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute in March 2022. (Learn more)

Observer Training for Taiwanese Observers participating in Bird Scaring Line Trials with Dimas Guianuca of Brazil. (October 2021)


1st Asian BirdLife Festival and Nature Expo in Thailand (2020)

International Summit on Grey-faced Buzzard 2019 (learn more)

Taiwan International Bird Scaring Line Workshop 2019 (Learn More)

Environmental Education and Outreach Workshop in Malaysia 2019 (Learn More)

2018 International Bird Scaring Line Workshop

Presenting at the 10th Asian Raptor Research and Conservation Network Symposium (learn more)