
全球瀕危水鳥 諾氏鷸 (台南鳥會 提供)


台南將軍鹽田位在台61線將軍交流道與西濱連絡道的交換處南側,面積約兩百公頃,如今鹽田已廢曬,閒置後仍受到海水感潮影響,成為一片聚集相當數量水鳥的濕地環境,近年來更特別記錄有多種瀕危物種紅皮書(IUCN Redlist)指認的全球受脅鳥種,包含全球數量僅餘不到500隻極度瀕危的琵嘴鷸(Critically endangered, CR),以及全球少於1300隻的諾氏鷸(Endangered, EN),更還有其他東亞受脅遷徙水鳥如黑面琵鷺(EN)、大濱鷸(EN)、黑嘴鷗(Vulnerable, VU)、斑尾鷸(Near threatened, NT)、紅腹濱鷸(NT)、紅胸濱鷸(NT)等亦在此穩定過境與渡冬。近年來,由於濕地環境不斷消失,許多東亞的遷徙水鳥總體數量持續減少中,在台南將軍鹽田有如此多樣瀕危鳥類聚集的濕地,在台灣也實屬少見,更有許多國際賞鳥者專程前來尋鳥,顯見這塊濕地的寶貴與重要性。




  1. 國產署與韋能公司立即撤回光電開發計畫,並不再同意任何光電設施或其他影響本區生態環境的開發利用行為。
  2. 國產署、經濟部、縣市政府等各級行政機關應遵守106年行政院會議結果,避免未來七股將軍鹽田與布袋鹽田的高生態敏感區再開發爭議。
  3. 經濟部應盡速推出考量環境與社會經濟影響的綠能規範,讓綠能在對的地方,用對的方式,加速發展。


東海大學生命科學系 林惠真終身特聘教授、中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 陳昭倫研究員、國立中山大學社會學系 邱花妹副教授、 國立成功大學水利與海洋工程學系 王筱雯教授、國立臺灣師範大學生命科學系 李壽先研究講座教授、中央研究院生物多樣性研究中心 劉小如退休研究員、國立東華大學自然資源與環境學系 許育誠副教授 、國立臺灣大學生物科技所 陳仁治副教授、國立成功大學生命科學系 李亞夫教授、國立臺灣師範大學生命科學系 許鈺鸚教授、國立臺南大學生態暨環境資源學系 許皓捷副教授

附件一、七股將軍鹽田生態敏感區地圖 (圖層來源: 2017年行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心之評估)



琵嘴鷸(Critically endangered, CR)-台南鳥會提供

諾氏鷸(Endangered, EN)-郭東輝 攝

黑面琵鷺(Endangered, EN)-中華鳥會提供

大濱鷸(Endangered, EN)-許詩涵 攝

黑嘴鷗(Vulnerable, VU)-王力平 攝

斑尾鷸(Near threatened, NT)-郭東輝 攝

紅腹濱鷸(Near threatened, NT)-黃重融 攝

紅胸濱鷸(Near threatened, NT)-郭東輝 攝


[Joint Statment] Call for the Withdrawal of Tainan's Jiangjun Photovoltaic Project: Ecological Hotspots Should Not Be Developed for Green Energy

The Jiangjun Saltpans in Tainan County are one of the important habitats for migratory waterbirds in all of Taiwan. In recent years, many globally threatened bird species including Nordmann's Greenshank and the Spoon-billed Sandpiper have wintered or rested in the area, attracting the attention of numerous bird enthusiasts at home and abroad. However, according to media reports, this critical habitat has been designated part of a planned photovoltaic energy development site. As both this area and neighboring Chaiyi County's Budai Wetlands have been identified as highly sensitive ecological areas by the Executive Yuan in 2017, photovoltaic development should not be undertaken at either place. It is with this in mind that the Taiwan Wild Bird Federation and all of its partner associations strongly urge the government and industry to act immediately and withdraw the Jiangjun Saltpans photovoltaic development plan. Don't allow for this type of negative impact green energy project, which would seriously harm a major local ecosystem and hinder the progress of the country's energy transition!

The Jiangjun Saltpans is located near the southern portions of Taiwan Highway 61 and the Xibin Interchange, covering an area of roughly 200 hectares. Though the saltpans have been abandoned, they are still heavily affected by the tides. This allows for an array of wildlife to use the area, especially migratory birds. There have been records of many globally threatened migratory bird species (as identified by the IUCN Red List) in Jiangjun. This includes Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Critically Endangered, with global population at less than 500) and Nordmann's Greenshank (Endangered, with global population at around 1,300). Other threatened migratory waterbirds of the East Asia Australasian Flyway (EAAF) which have been recorded here include the Black-faced Spoonbill (EN), Great Knot (EN), Saunders's Gull (Vulnerable, VU), Bar-tailed Godwit (Near threatened, NT), Red Knot (NT), Red-necked Stint (NT), etc. All of these species are stable in either annual passage or wintering in Jiangjun. This is critical because throughout the whole of the EAAF, wetlands and mudflats are disappearing at an alarming rate and with them the birds that use these areas. Though small, the Jiangjun saltpans serve as a sort of oasis allowing for such a wide diversity of migratory bird species found almost nowhere else in Taiwan. This is not lost on birdwatchers, who will come from all over, including from other countries, just to do birdwatching here.

According to information provided by the Council of Agriculture's Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, during a 2017 Executive Yuan meeting on photovoltaic policy, it was recognized that due to their highly sensitive ecologies as well as their major importance to migratory waterbirds, Chiayi County's Budai as well as Tainan County's Qigu and Jiangjun would not be suitable for photovoltaic development. Yet this information is now being disregarded by developers and plans are underway to install solar panel farms in these ecological hotspots anyways. On top of this, the National Property Bureau has agreed with the developers, disregarding both scientific evidence and government promises.

Vena Energy has said it intends to use it experience in developing photovoltaic plans at Budai Wetlands's Section 8 as it proceeds with its plans at the Jiangjun Saltpans. Yet we must emphasize that proper decision-making on the designation of photovoltaic sites must be based on prioritizing the avoidance of sensitive areas, followed by limiting the potential impacts, ensuring mitigation measures are in place, and creating compensation plans. The project at Budai is based on known survey results, scientific data, and under the premise that "highly sensitive ecological areas will be avoided". That is how Section 8 was chosen. We received a high level of assurance from Vena Energy that it would reduce the negative impacts as much as possible, put extra effort into long-term environmental monitoring, and ensure transparent communication there. They also emphasized again that Tainan's Jiangjun and Qigu Saltpans as well as Chaiyi's Budai Sections 5 and 10 were to "be avoided" as they were highly sensitive ecological areas. Their conditions are completely different from that of Budai's District 8.

Last month, Premier Su Tseng-Chang instructed the Ministry of Economic Affairs to accelerate the development of photovoltaics. He emphasized that "the government's development of the green energy industry would achieve environmental sustainability without affecting the rights and interests of farmers, fishermen, or the environment. We completely agree with the premier's philosophy and thinking behind the development of green energy. Climate change is a real global threat and we support environmentally friendly green energy in order to achieve the goals of abolishing nuclear energy and coal use as well as reducing pollution and carbon emissions. Yet allowing for green energy project sites that are improperly selected and which could seriously harm the natural ecology is not the answer. Taiwan is small and densely populated. As a people, we need to use greater wisdom to face land use issues such as these. Therefore, we call on:

1. The National Property Administration and Vena Energy to immediately withdraw their photovoltaic development plan for Jiangjun Saltpans, and not agree to any new photovoltaic plans or developments that could have major negative impacts the local environment.

2. Administrative agencies at all levels, including the National Property Administration, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and county and city governments, to abide by the results of the 2017 Executive Yuan meeting and avoid future disputes over the development of highly sensitive ecological areas between Qigu and Jiangjun Saltpans and Budai Wetlands.

3. The Ministry of Economic Affairs to promptly introduce standards for green energy that consider environmental and socio-economic impacts, so that green energy can be developed in the appropriate places and in such a way to accelerate its effective development.