


04 | 25
Results of the 2024 Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Census revealed a total of 4,135 spoonbills wintering in Taiwan proper and its outlying islands, down 93 from the year before. With annual census numbers consistently showing 50% to 60% of the global population, Taiwan is one of the most critical wintering areas for the iconic and globally threatened species. This year's survey took place January 19-21. Supported by the Taiwan Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, the Taiwan Wild Bird Federation organized the event in Taiwan, working with birders, bird societies, government agencies, and other groups from all over the country to conduct the census. In recent years, over 100 surveyors have been required to accurately conduct the count.
03 | 13
In January 2024, The Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute (TBRI), the Taiwan Wild Bird Federation (TWBF), and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology officially launched Taiwan's first bird atlas project (known as the Taiwan Bird Atlas). Its goal is to complete detailed maps outlining the distribution, breeding, and number of bird species across Taiwan by 2028. Bird atlases are crucial for documenting and conserving biodiversity.
03 | 13
農業部生物多樣性研究所(生多所)、中華民國野鳥學會(中華鳥會)攜手美國康乃爾大學鳥類學研究室(Cornell Lab of Ornithology),推動臺灣首次鳥類地圖計畫(Taiwan Bird Atlas),目前正招募夥伴!想像一下,透過你的望遠鏡和錄音機,成為描繪臺灣豐富鳥類生態地圖的重要一員。這不僅是賞鳥的樂趣升級,更是為我們美麗島嶼的自然保護出一份力。我們的目標是在2028年前,以實際資料完整繪製臺灣各種鳥的分布、繁殖區域與相對數量地圖。




01 | 31

They say that if you don't know where you've come from, you won't know where you're going. In honor of the Taiwan Wild Bird Federation's 35th anniversary, we take a look at Taiwan's journey from relative ornithological obscurity to its current leadership in bird conservation and citizen science, together with the role that the TWBF and its partners have played in this years-long process of development.

01 | 30

They say that if you don't know where you've come from, you won't know where you're going. In honor of the Taiwan Wild Bird Federation's 35th anniversary, we take a look at Taiwan's journey from relative ornithological obscurity to its current leadership in bird conservation and citizen science, together with the role that the TWBF and its partners have played in this years-long process of development.

