
鳥類並沒有國域疆界的概念,特別對於候鳥來說,保護牠們的棲地不僅僅是一個地區的工作,而是需要整個遷移路徑上各地的努力與國際合作。本屆高峰會聚集了日本、台灣、菲律賓等灰面鵟鷹遷徙路徑上的主要國家一同交流,從生態研究到教育推廣,大家各自分享在地的實際案例。我們非常感謝能有這個機會參與這場盛會~!! 下一屆2020年的高峰會將預定在日本宮古島舉行~

The CWBF was proud to take part in the 1st International Summit on Grey-faced Buzzard held May 25-26, 2019 in Ichikai Town, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan.
To protect and ensure the safety of migratory raptor species such as the Grey-faced Buzzards, international cooperation is needed since birds don’t know borders. This event brought together representatives from three of the countries along the flyway for this impressive species, Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines. Presenters discussed topics ranging from the life history and ecological needs of Grey-faced Buzzards, to education and outreach work being done with local communities.
We thank the organizers for hosting this wonderful event. The 2nd International Summit on Grey-faced Buzzard will be held in 2020 in Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan.
