
11 | 09
Taiwan has gained another internationally recognized Satoyama Initiative case study! The Meinong Lake Jacana Conservation Area (MLJCA) is managed by the by the Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society (KWBS). A project which began officially in 2021, local birders had already begun doing land adoption near Meinong Lake to recreate habitat for the birds as early as 2017. The MLJCA brings together local government and community groups to successfully restore the habitat of Pheasant-tailed Jacanas. The community also works to reward eco-friendly farming practices, expand habitat areas, and create an agricultural environment that coexists with nature. This year, thanks to an application submitted on its behalf by IPSI member the Taiwan Wild Bird Federation (TWBF), the MLJCA successfully became a certified case study by the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI).
09 | 01
06 | 13
06 | 02
今年的繁殖季好不熱鬧,鳥類保育圈吹起了直播風,讓大家能一窺鳥類育雛的精彩過程並深入了解牠們的生態! 台北市野鳥學會 馬祖鐵尖燕鷗直播
05 | 31
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