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中華民國野鳥學會與特有生物研究保育中心正式發表「2020臺灣國家鳥類報告(The State of Taiwan's Birds 2020)」!這是臺灣第一份由政府部門、大專院校及民間組織共同完成的鳥類生存狀態評估報告。
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The Taiwan Wild Bird Federation and the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute officially announce the publication of the State of Taiwan's Birds 2020. Government, academia, and civil society came together to create this first-of-its-kind report, an important milestone in Taiwan's bird conservation work. It is the first comprehensive assessment of the conservation status of Taiwan's birds, integrating data collected through long-term citizen science projects and scientific studies. It also provides in-depth analysis of overall species population trends, the status of specific bird groups, current threats, and conservation strategies and actions.
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「尬黑琵作伙呷魚仔」第二梯次活動花絮分享~ 日期:11/21(六) 地點:黑琵食堂
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「尬黑琵作伙呷魚仔」第一梯次活動花絮分享~ 日期:11/17(二) 地點:黑琵食堂
