
04 | 22
Results from the 2023 Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Census showed a total of 4,228 Black-faced Spoonbills in Taiwan, a new record and the first time over 4,000 have been recorded
03 | 21
After two years, a critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper, No. 88, reappeared in Tainan, Taiwan. The sighting took place last week during a coastal survey as part of the Ocean Conservation Administration's "2023 Seabird Population Survey Plan" carried out by the Forestry Wildlife Lab of National Taiwan University.
03 | 21
03 | 13
行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心(以下簡稱特生中心)運用「臺灣繁殖鳥類大調查(Taiwan Breeding Bird Survey)」的資料,分析100種繁殖鳥於2011年至2019年間的數量變化趨勢,並建置「臺灣森林鳥類指標」及「臺灣農地鳥類指標」兩項國家級指標。趨勢和指標將會定期更新,做為監測臺灣繁殖鳥類生存狀態及保育成效的重要儀表板。同時也是臺灣反映在2030年前實現聯合國生物多樣性公約目標「自然正成長(Nature-Positive)」。此舉為亞洲第二個發布複合物種指標的國家,已開放全文刊登於國際學術期刊「生態指標(Ecological Indicators)」
03 | 13
The Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute (TESRI) under the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan analyzed data from the Taiwan Breeding Bird Survey to understand population trends for 100 species of breeding birds during the period of 2011 to 2019. In doing so, two national indicators for birds were established, one for Taiwan's forest birds and one for Taiwan's farmland birds.
01 | 16
Tainan City's Chiku and Jiangjun salt pan wetlands are vital stopover and wintering sites for migratory birds. Due to the critical importance of these areas, six non-governmental organizations formed the Chiku and Jiangjun Salt Pan Wetlands Restoration Alliance and jointly adopted 1,605 ha of salt pans from Taiwan's National Property Administration in April 2022. On January 7th, 2023, members of the alliance gathered in the adopted land to conduct bird surveys as part of the Taiwan New Year Bird Count, a citizen science driven event which aims to monitor the population and trends of Taiwan's wintering avifauna. Nearly 20,000 individuals from a total of 85 species were recorded, including globally threatened species such as the Black-faced Spoonbill.
